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Former St John's commanderie  

Adress :
3 rue St Jean, 68000 Colmar

Descriptif lieu

The St John’s Knights of Jerusalem founded a first hospital in the late 12th century. Attacked by the local clergy who saw a form of competition, the St. John’s Knights asserted themselves only in 1227 thanks to the support of the Pope Grégory IX. The church was consecrated in 1268 by Albert le Grand, a Dominican theologian. The former commander of St. John, constantly on the decline from 1530, was sold in 1796. Bought in 1858 by the Sisters of the divine Providence of Ribeauvillé, it was converted into a school, still existing today. It took the name of “Institut Saint-Jean” in 1918. After several renovations in the 19th century, only few elements of the façade have been preserved from the original building.



3 rue St Jean, 68000 Colmar
How to go there