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Voltaire's residence  

Adress :
10 Rue Berthe Molly, 68000 Colmar

Descriptif lieu

In October 1753, Voltaire arrived in Colmar to work on his “Annales de l’Empire” (Annals of the Empire) with the help of French advisers of the Sovereign Council and their rich libraries. He also wanted to follow the typographic operations of his work at the bookshop from J.F. Schoepflin. He found a place to live to Mrs. Gall, the mayor’s wife, in a nobiliary house dating from the 15th century and rebuilt in 1609.

The three-month stay from Voltaire in Colmar was particularly eventful because of his problems with the Jesuit brothers, who were very influent in the town and were against the works of the enlightenment philosopher. However, and in spite of his numerous critics about Colmar that he called “a city half-French half-German”, some of his comments suggest that he appreciated his stay there.



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10 Rue Berthe Molly, 68000 Colmar
How to go there