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Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie  

Adress :
16 rue des Boulangers, 68000 Colmar

Opening hours :
January to April - Monday to Sunday from 10am to 6pm.

May to December - Monday to Sunday, 9am to 7pm

Since its creation, Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie intends to preserve and to reveal all the treasures of the biscuit's gastronomy in Alsace. Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie selects ingredients of high quality. That is why all of its biscuits are a real enjoyment of senses. In Maison Alsacienne de Biscuiterie "Bisuiterie Boulangers", "Biscuiterie Cathédrale" and "Biscuiterie" on the Quai de la Poissonnerie,you will have the opportunity to discover the Bredele, finest traditional biscuits and Alsatians spice-cakes cooked according to an old local method. And of course, you will certainly enjoy typical cakes named Beerawecka and Kougelhopf.


16 rue des Boulangers, 68000 Colmar
How to go there