Regional Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges

The Regional Natural Park of Ballons des Vosges is located in three regions: Alsace, Franche-Comté and Lorraine. This is one of the biggest French regional natural parks. The park encompasses diverse areas like the Upper Vosges - and highlight the Grand Ballon - the Vosges valleys, high-Northern Alsace and Franche-Comté, the plateau of the Arabian ponds, the underdeveloped countries and the Vosges foothills Alsatian wine. It also contains rare natural environments such as high pastures, bogs, beech-fir forests, forests of oak and beech trees, lawns limestone, rivers, lakes and ponds.
The Park House provides a wealth of information to discover the Park. Find documentation to free or calendars of activities, places to visit, tourist maps, itineraries etc. discoveries ..
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